Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The Most Pointless Road Sign

C - Where are we going, Barry?
B - That new superstore that's just opened, Caroline.
C - New superstore?
B - Yes. It's new. Some say it's as big as a jumbo jet hangar. It's so big, you could fit three jumbo jets in it.
C - Jumbo jets you say?
B - Precisely. It's up here somewhere. Apparently there's a road sign. You can't miss it.
C - There's a road sign. Over there!
B - Bless you, you silly ninny. That's a pelicon crossing.
C - Don't you mean a pelican crossing?
B - No. It's actually spelled "pelicon". Wait. What was that?
C - Was it a peliCON crossing?
B - No. Not the pelicon crossing. We've already gone past that. It said "superstore". I'm sure of it. Let's turn this mother around and fuck this bitch in the cunt. I'm going back. And stop talking.
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That is surely a thing of beauty.
I have a tattoo just on my cheek under my left eye that has an arrow pointing to my mouth and a legend that reads "PUT FOOD HERE ->" but only as I'm a dumb fuck.
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I have a tattoo just on my cheek under my left eye that has an arrow pointing to my mouth and a legend that reads "PUT FOOD HERE ->" but only as I'm a dumb fuck.
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